TONY-INDUSTRIEScurrent time:

Tony Brown Cityscape T-Shirt

$180 USD


Since we're based out of Montreal you'd come to the obvious conclusion that the cityscape in this print is of Montreal. I should have thought of that before I burnt the screen... Bleached splatter pattern will vary and will tear over time.

Other considerations

  • — Made from our finest material.
  • — Profitable shipping rate.
  • — So comfortable.
  • — Hopefully non-toxic.

Why buy with us

  • — We're the only people who make this.
  • — We love money.
  • — We should process and ship orders within 0-2 business days.
  • — You can't return it.
  • — Very limited customer service.


* TONY-INDUSTRIES is not responsible for how many compliments you receive while wearing merchandise.